We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature: 3D Organon WebXR. This innovative solution brings the immersive learning experience of 3D Organon directly to your web browser, offering unparalleled accessibility and convenience.

What is 3D Organon WebXR?

3D Organon WebXR is now available to all users holding a 3D Organon XR license. With this feature, you can access 3D Organon’s cutting-edge virtual reality medical education platform from your PC, anywhere and anytime.

Why Choose 3D Organon WebXR?

  • Experience Immersive Learning: Dive into a rich, interactive 3D environment that enhances your understanding of complex anatomical structures and medical concepts.
  • Access Anywhere: Enjoy the flexibility of accessing 3D Organon’s comprehensive library of 3D models and educational content from any PC with an internet connection.

This new feature underscores 3D Organon’s commitment to making advanced medical education tools more accessible and versatile. Whether you are in a classroom, clinic, or at home, 3D Organon WebXR ensures that world-class medical education is always within reach.

Take the Next Step in Your Learning Journey

Explore the future of medical education with 3D Organon and elevate your learning experience. Join us in revolutionizing medical education and take the next step in your professional journey with 3D Organon WebXR.